So……….we have a brag.
First, Bonnet. She went to her first agility trial. It was a CPE trial at Muddy Paws. I put her in 3 level 2 (I decided to skip level 1) runs on Saturday and 3 runs on Sunday. She Q’d in 2 standard runs and a wildcard run. She did a great job. She really listened and did what was asked. One of her NQ’s was because I screwed up the course (running 2 dogs is confusing and will take some getting used to). One NQ was a dropped bar…..her only one in 6 runs. And one NQ was because she was slightly overtime so her seconds overtime got subtracted from her score which left her 2 points short of what was needed for the game. She did the course perfectly.
And then, Rosette!! She was a superstar. She ran 10 level 5 courses in 2 days. She had 10 Q’s!! Her special ribbon is for a perfect weekend. It got very hot both days and Rosette just kept going. She is such a fun, awesome dog!!